Welcome to the
Stonybrook Health Office!
School nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing.
School Health Services are provided to enhance the well-being,
academic success, lifelong achievement and health of students.
Jill Neumann RN, BSN, NJ-CSN
973- 838-1881 x2005
My goal is to provide each child of Stonybrook Elementary School with the best care possible. In order to do this, it is extremely helpful for me to be made aware of any health issues concerning your child (e.g. medical conditions, allergies, medications). Please feel free to call or stop by the Health Office during the school day to discuss any concerns you would like to share. If I can offer any assistance or answer any question(s), please do not hesitate to call or email me.
Students are not permitted to bring any form of medication to school including, but not limited to, Tylenol, vitamins, and cough drops. If your child will require medication at school, please contact the Health Office for the necessary forms to be completed by your child’s Health Care Provider.
In an effort to help prevent the spread of illness between students and staff members, it is very important for you, as the parent/guardian of your child, to recognize when it is NOT prudent for your child to be in school. The following is a list of indicators to assist you in knowing when to keep your child home from school:
Temperature of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours.
Your child may return to school when he/she is “fever free” WITHOUT taking anti-fever medication (e.g. Tylenol, Advil, Motrin) for a minimum of 24 hours.)
Positive throat culture for strep. (Please keep your child home while waiting for the results of an overnight strep culture.) Child may return to school no sooner than 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started.
Any symptoms of acute illness such as persistent cough and/or runny nose.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
Every student must be accounted for during the school day whether or not he/she is present. In the event that your child will not be in school at the start of the day, please remember to update Pick Up Patrol for any late arrivals and/or absences.
Hand washing is the most effective means of preventing the
spread of communicable diseases.